Replacing Driving Music with Podcasts Has Changed My Life

Turbo also enjoys the podcasts en route to the office.

Like most Atlantans, I have quite the schlep to work. Maybe it’s due to our Un-rapid transit system, the 1 million people moving here in the last decade, or let’s just blame #UrbanSprawl.  I am fortunate to be traveling against traffic, but it’s still a good 45-50min drive, twice daily.

I have always listened to music on the way into work, but after some motivation from my Marketing Coordinator (now promoted to Marketing Specialist… because she is awesome) I tried a podcast during one morning commute. And as cliché as it sounds, it really was life changing.

I arrived at work with my wheels already turning. I was inspired by the ideas discussed in the podcast. I had a fire lit inside me from the moment
I walked in the door. Listening to brand marketers discuss trends, successes, failures and ideas was extremely motivating. A podcast was better than coffee, adderall and nootropics combined. I felt alert with a purpose.

The key message here is that of motivation. As most people with jobs, careers and businesses do, I struggle with the consistent motivation. How can I stay motivated for each day and each task, always? The answer for me is Continue reading “Replacing Driving Music with Podcasts Has Changed My Life”